It's funny---no matter how fussy or difficult or contrary Maya might be on any given day, I always go to bed at night thinking about how magnificent and beautiful and bright and funny she is, and how very grateful I feel to have a child who far exceeds my expectations, just by being herself.
Believe me, I do way, way, way more than my fair share of worrying about her, and if she's ill or especially upset, or if she spent the evening crying non-stop for reasons unbeknownst to S and me, I'll feel edgy and helpless and half-crazy in the hours after we put her to bed. However, the overarching feelings I have for Maya are appreciation, admiration, and intense love, even at the end of a tough day.
I hesitated before typing perfection up there in the headline, because the last thing I want to do is to give the impression (to Maya and everyone else) that I desire and expect perfection in my child. No, no, no! What I mean is that I love Maya, all parts of her, even the difficult parts. She's perfect in that there's nothing about her that I don't love---see what I mean? She's perfect because she is Maya.
I know EXACTLY how you feel!
I'm sure you do! Your girls sound absolutely delightful! (And they are super-cute to boot...)
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