Wednesday, April 27, 2005

If You're Happy and You Know It...Shake Your Head in Puzzlement

Today I am inexplicably happy. I don't get it at all. For starters, last night I did nothing but sit on the couch and neglect the myriad household chores that needed attention. I worked on a few word puzzles and watched a couple hours of television. That's it. That kind of evening usually depresses me. Secondly, I ate so poorly today——consuming hundreds and hundreds of calories, and several plates full of miniature cookies——that I now feel bloated and sluggish, not to mention a bit guilty and ashamed. Again, this type of behavior normally plunges me into a deep, dark funk. But today? I just seem to be buoyed by feelings of contentment and mild joy, and nothing will bring me down. Weird!

I can only guess this la-dee-da-dee-da feeling is related to one or more of the following:

1. Ndugu is on yet another round of meds which seem to be working, for now. This means that the stress of waking up in the morning to foul-smelling poo stains hidden in hard-to-reach places has, for now, been eliminated.
2. My workload in the office this week has been juuuuuust right, with a dash of——gasp!——variety thrown in for added satisfaction.
3. I have, after a month-long hiatus, restarted my little Pilates and yoga home workouts.
4. Our tax refund has spruced up the appearance of our checking account a bit.
5. S and I finally bought a new couch (to arrive in a few weeks).
6. It's finally getting sunny and warm-ish outside, and the winds that have been blowing us around the past couple of weeks seem to have died down, finally.
7. Hormones?

So, while none of these things is particularly momentous or thrilling, perhaps the
combination of them is enough to perk me up and make me cheery.

Who knows?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's been over a month. Write something.