Thursday, August 09, 2007

Happy Feet, Part 2

So here's something: I've been tap-dancing again! In late spring of this year I began a Saturday tap workshop at a dance studio a few blocks from home. Since June, I've been learning some tricky, extremely challenging choreography to the song "Watermelon Man," by Pancho Sanchez. (Yeah, I have no idea who he is, either. But it's a fun, catchy song!)

My teeny class (there are four of us, total, and many Saturdays one or two are absent) just last weekend finished learning the choreography, and now we'll be practicing it and "perfecting" it (ha) until we perform for the public on September 9th. The venue is some sort of fair or street carnival or something in Manhattan Beach. I cannot wait! I'm a closeted ham. I love to perform---as long as I feel prepared. I think by next month I'll be ready to share my enthusiasm and mediocre grasp of intermediate-to-advanced tap moves with the world!

Seriously, you should see me doing this dance. I have to concentrate so hard; I do the worst job ever of "making it look easy." The moves are complicated and really syncopated. There's no "flap-ball-change, flap-ball-change" here! We do "riffs" and "drawbacks" and "the Eleanor Powell" and a crapload of turns. Grace, my teacher, is always reminding us that her style of tap is less Broadway and more Savion Glover. "Rhythmic tap" is what she calls it.

Whatever it is, it is truly kicking my ass! But in a good way. I love it and plan to continue tapping year-round.

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