Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Life's simple pleasures

One thing I like about myself is that I am easily entertained. I am a big fan of celebrating the small things. Here I present A Dozen of Life's Little Joys, From My Perspective:
-The change of seasons (even here in L.A.)
-A visit to a farmer's market
-Chocolate ice cream
-Dramatic sunsets
-The peaceful little space of time in the morning between S leaving for work and Maya waking up
-Visits with extended family over the holidays
-Cooking a dish that turns out really well
-Easy conversation with a good friend
-Hugs on the leg from a very small child
-Hot, fresh coffee
-Getting a good deal on just about anything
-A cozy, lazy evening of television-watching
It seems to me that when you set your mind on appreciating the small things, you're then presented with infinite opportunities for experiencing joy. I find that reassuring.

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