Friday, November 02, 2007

Today in highlights

Today was a really good day! Here's what went down:
  • Maya slept through the night and snoozed contentedly till 9:15 this morning.
  • Maya and I spent a lazy morning in our pajamas, playing in the living room, eating a late breakfast, and finally taking a walk to run an errand.
  • After lunch, Maya went down for a nap WITHOUT A FIGHT. That's so incredible, it bears repeating: She went down for a nap without a fight.
  • I had dinner with friend J at Su Casa while S took Maya out for sushi. (The report from him is that she essentially ate her weight in rice and miso soup.) It was sooo nice to spend an hour in uninterrupted conversation with J while eating delicious tacos!
  • Maya did not cry for 45 minutes after being put down to bed for the night in her crib, as has been her near-nightly routine the past couple of weeks. After less than five minutes of fussing, she was out.
  • S and I just finished watching an episode of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia," which was really, really sharp and clever. Its production reminded me of that of "Entourage," which S says is because it, like "Entourage," is shot with a single camera. Also, one of the main actors reminds me a little of Jeremy Piven...and the cast of "buddy" characters is similar. Anyway, it was great and quite funny, and we'll be adding it to our little lineup of Genuinely Funny Weekly TV Comedies, following "The Office" and "30 Rock."
Hooray for good days!

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