Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Well We’re Movin’ On Up! (Movin’ on up!): A brief celebratory post

Finally, S has been promoted to full-time staff writer, and has earned a healthy, satisfying raise as part of the deal. I say "finally" because the huge media corporation for which S toils in his 6 X 7–ft cubicle had been dragging its cheap-ass feet about bumping S up to staff writer ever since B, one of the staff, left to work for another show several months ago.

But, to our great surprise and delight, S got official word of his long-overdue upgrade last week. In a fashion typical of S's employer, the promotion was announced on S’s first day of vacation. Apparently S's boss made the announcement Thursday morning, then kept asking everyone where S was, because he wanted to meet with S to discuss the details. To which everyone answered, "Uh, he's on vacation. Remember?" Well no, the big boss hadn't remembered that, it turned out. So one of S's coworkers called S later that morning to let S in on the news. We didn't learn what the new salary would be until yesterday. We're pleased with it.

So, three cheers for S!

To quote George and Weezy Jefferson, "We've finally got a piece of the pie!"

Interesting side note: The head writer of S's staff, who, I might add, is brilliant and funny and incredibly generous, was also head writer for The Jeffersons, back in the day. This same individual wrote for Golden Girls, too. (One of my personal faves. Laugh if you want.) He's got some great stories from the 1980's...I tell him he should write his memoirs, but he just chuckles in reply.

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