Sunday, November 11, 2007

Lullaby and good night

As I type this I'm also creating a playlist of lullabies for Maya. S and I are going to try playing a lullaby mix for her as we put her down for bed each night. She's been having a lot of trouble falling asleep on her own; maybe she would feel less lonely if she had some lovely music to keep her company as she drifts off.
So far the "Night Night, Maya" mix contains all tunes she'll recognize. They are songs that her daddy and I sing to her often: Edelweiss; Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star; Moon, Moon, Moon (from one of her children's-songs CDs); Alright for Now; and Rock-a-Bye Baby.
What's funny, though, is that I've spent about the last 40 minutes or so finding and choosing these songs, and as a result, I feel so very soothed and relaxed! Listening to these songs is chilling me right out. It's so nice, and it's even prompted me to ask S if perhaps we could try playing lullabies in our bedroom before we fall asleep each night.
I mean, doesn't that make sense? Why shouldn't we adults use soft, sweet, simple music to lull ourselves to sleep, like we do for our babies?
(An aside: Since I've become a mother, I've often found myself wondering why we parents seem to know how best to nurture our children but not ourselves. Examples: We work hard to feed our children vegetables and fruits and low-sugar treats and lots of milk, yet we cut corners in our own diets. We insist on our babies' getting their full 12 hours' sleep, yet we figure we'll make do on five. We rush our children to the doctor at the first sign of significant illness, yet we fail to do so for ourselves. Don't we deserve the same level of care our children do? Or at least something similar? I think we should all make loving ourselves, as well as our children, a priority, too. After all, we were babies once!)
OK, I've just now made a "Night Night, Mommy" mix for myself. So far it contains Edelweiss; Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World; Twinkle, Twinkle (hee!); and Alright for Now. (Ahem. Maya and I have similar tastes.)
What else should I include in my "Night Night Mommy" playlist? Your suggestions are welcome!


Anonymous said...

Great idea! I am a fan of "Stay Awake" from Mary Poppins (knocks me right out), "Good Night, My Someone" from The Music Man, and the Irish lullabye "Too Ra Loo Ra Loo Rai."

Don't be surprised if I show up at your door with a blank CD in hand! :-)

J said...

That "Stay Awake" song always does it for me, too! I think it's the reverse psychology.