Friday, November 30, 2007

Nablopomo is nablopomOVER!

Today marks the end of my failed attempt at completing the Nablopomo challenge. Although I missed three days of posts, I found the experience worthwhile, mostly because joining a community of bloggers was just as fun and inspirational as I'd hoped it would be. Over at the Nablopomo headquarters, I made friends (like Myla), I joined groups, I got into some interesting discussions (like one with DaveX about whether a blog can be "too self-indulgent"), and I found motivation to add some neat little bells and whistles to my blog (like the Flickr slideshow down there on the left). I also sampled many blogs written by other participants. I really like this one, by a Nablopomo participant named Jenni, but I think I freaked her out by commenting too enthusiastically on her Nablo page.
And here's where I thank my two most faithful readers, J and A! Thanks, J and A, for muddling through. Thanks also to Myla and Scott.
Goodnight, everybody!


Anonymous said...

I failed at the whole "post a day" thing, but yeah-- meeting some new bloggers was cool.

me said...

Hi Maureen, Thanks for the mention. I finally wrote the post about my name that you inspired me to write. You can check it out here.

Jenni said...

Oh, you definitely did not freak me out - I was very flattered to have a new reader!