Saturday, November 10, 2007

This isn't good

Well, I had hoped to post something light and fluffy and sweet and whimsical tonight, to counter last night's heavy, long entry. However, what's top-of-mind right now is all this mother-f*cking lead in all these mother-f*cking Chinese-made toys.
Here's what happened: Earlier this week I received the latest issue of Consumer Reports in the mail. The magazine included a very thorough, straightforward, well-researched, and UTTERLY FRIGHTENING story on lead in myriad, seemingly harmless household products and toys. One of the sidebars for this story rated a handful of home lead tests, for use on such items as toys, dishware, jewelry, etc.
I read the article, experienced some mid-level panic, went online to buy one of the lead tests, and waited impatiently for it to arrive.
The test came today. It includes 8 testing swabs; I've used five so far. First, the good news: a yellow, painted wooden ring from one of Maya's toys contains no lead. Also, a yellow plastic ring from another of Maya's toys (a Mattell product, I might add) contains no lead. And surprisingly, a crappy little metal trinket box that some street vendor gave her for free is also lead-free. (Each of these items has found its way into Maya's mouth numerous times.)
Now, the bad news, the news that is causing my nerves to explode like popcorn and my mama-bear rage to ignite: another part of the toy that includes the yellow, painted (lead-free) wooden ring I mentioned earlier does appear to contain lead. I say "appear" because there is one teeny, tiny part of me that hopes the lead-test swab turned pink not because the toy contains lead but because the red paint on it bled onto the swab. (Normally, a swab that turns pink indicates LEAD, LEAD, LEAD, according to the test-kit instructions.)
I have a feeling, and it's not a good one, that the damn red-painted part of that toy does contain lead, just like some of the recalled toys from earlier this summer had tainted red paint, and that's why the swab turned pink. To know for sure, I'll be calling the lead-test manufacturer on Monday to ask whether the swabs ever turn pink not from lead detection but from bleeding red paint. I'll let you know what I find out.
If I get bad news, which is likely, I'm going to call my pediatrician and ask ONE MORE FREAKING TIME for a blood test for Maya to determine her lead levels. So far, the doctor has declined to test her because we don't live in an old-old house, and Maya's development is "right on track." Hmph. Whatevs. I say, let's test this kid! If it turns out there's lead in that one toy, I'm insisting on it, or taking Maya to another doctor who WILL test.
...and that is the end of my angry rant. G'night, everybody!
Tomorrow's post: light, fluffy, sweet, and whimsical. I promise!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lest anyone forget, China has never been an ally of the United States after WWII. They purchased lots of our debt and now can plummet the dollar whenever they want.